Form(New patient)

Hair removal consultationBeauty consultation

Shinjuku ClinicIkebukuro ClinicUeno ClinicYokohama Clinic

HIFUderma penderma pen+peelingmassage peelpeelingbeauty dripwhitening dripHigh-strength cellulose C dripbotoxmole removalConsultation

NoticeThere is no need to make an appointment for cosmetic injections.
Q switch yag laser is Shinjuku Clinic’s exclusive project.

HIFUderma penderma pen+peelingtoningfractional toningstain removalmassage peelpeelingbeauty dripwhitening dripHigh-strength cellulose C dripbotoxmole removalhair growth treatmentConsultation

NoticeThere is no need to make an appointment for cosmetic injections.

derma penderma pen+peelingmassage peelpeelingbeauty dripwhitening dripHigh-strength cellulose C dripbotoxmole removalhair growth treatmentConsultation

NoticeThere is no need to make an appointment for cosmetic injections.
Q switch yag laser is Shinjuku Clinic’s exclusive project.

Desired date:

Desired date:

Desired date:

Desired date:


Whole body (excluding face and VIO area)Whole body+FaceWhole body+VIO areaWhole body+Face+VIO arealeft and right armsFrom the left and right toes to the top of the thighbody partsVIO areaface areaBeard hair removal 10 timesOther individual parts (please fill in the Questions&Consultation column below for details)consult

MaleFemaleDon't want to answer

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